- To provide customer service second to none.
- To value our client’s needs and aspirations in the industry.
- To add value through innovative strategies.
- To offer high quality services.
- To charge acceptable rates for our services while creating wealth for all our stakeholders.
- To have a philosophy of continued improvement.
- To create an organisation where people are encourage to develop their ability and capability within the Telecommunications industry by allowing participation in decisions that directly affect their daily work.
- To jealously guard and protect our entrepreneurial spirit and impeccable reputation.
- To out perform our competitors.

- To conduct business with integrity.
- To be Professional (Able and Competent)
- To provide a Quality Service.
- To provide Reliable Service.
- Open-mindedness – Accessible for new ideas and continued research into new and improved innovations.
- Exercise financial prudence.
- To promote and advance in accordance with the needs of the industry, the education and training of persons employed by the company with specific emphasis on the training and development of persons previously regarded as disadvantage.
Tokal Floathing keeps pace with technology and changes by attending lectures and seminars on a regular basis especially where new development takes place. We put our skills and knowledge to use to develop new and improved methods. The company is totally committed to providing excellent quality service.
- Committed to completion dates of projects.
- Inform stakeholders of our planning and methods to perform the assigned projects and provide a single point of communication to the clients.
- Continued and regular liaising between the company and client.
- Commit us to Client’s mission and commitments.
- Regular on-site decision-making taking place.
- Every foreman takes responsibility for his project.
- Regular training of staff – (refer to training program)
- Ensure equality of opportunity and equitable treatment in the conduct of our business.
- Equal opportunity for all staff to be up-lifted.
- Labourers are trained to potentially become foreman and ultimately an independent team leader or project manager with all the abilities to perform as a self-functioning team.